For Human Ecology

A conservative and localist approach

Ecology is a science. The science of complex living systems. Its first scholars were conservatives. They were nationalists and localists. Deeply rooted in their land, they shared the same feeling: the bounty, the plentiful, the marvels of nature are an unlimited source of joy and fulfillment for human beings. Just read Thoreau or Hamsun.

From Ernst Haeckel, who coined the word « ecology, » to Theodore Roosevelt, who created Yellowstone Park, and from von Humboldt to Konrad Lorenz, true ecologists have nothing in common with immigrationists, multiculturalists, or « woke » militants. In fact, they were on the opposite side. They were committed to family values and transmission. They were men of one nation, one land, and one country. They stood firmly on their grounds, kept them against any invaders, and worked hard to maintain strong links with nature, geography, and biology.

We have gone far astray. Under the false flag of « Save the planet, » political ecology was hijacked by the far left and is nowadays the worst enemy of nature as it is, family as it is, and nations as they are. Under the fake system of « CSR » (corporate social responsibility), ecological issues are rerouted to achieve globalism, to destroy borders, and national or collective identities as well.

Who can explain where environmental issues require mass migrations? Why do they require open borders?

Why do NGOs and foundations target traditional families, strong communities, and powerful states, which are the proven best friends of the environment? Why do they use free trade and digital disorder, private censorship, and oligarchs’ money to achieve their goals?

If environmental failures actually are the main risk we face, I don’t think political ecology as we know it is of any use. In fact, I published a book to explain how the old nation, the old borders, the old family, and the old religion are the best friends of a sound and friendly environment (Chez nous ! Pour en finir avec une économie totalitaire, La Nouvelle Librairie, Paris, April 2022). I tried to explain how we must build a humane ecology on the ruins of political ecology.

From a wider point of view, we’ll try to explain how any lasting world system faced the main threat and managed it for the common good. We’ll show how and why the main threat we face now comes less from the collapse of our environment and life itself than from the leftist, undemocratic, and falsified « green deal, » CSR, and other fairy tales. And we’ll redesign the grand project of a conservative and localist initiative for a better way of life, based on subsidiarity, traditions, and direct links with nature, with some consequences for free trade, businesses, and the way we live on Earth – yet our only planet to live on.

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